15 Jun 3154 Memorial Challenge For Santa Ana Police Officer Amadu Kabia
Remembering: Friday, July 15th, 2011 will mark the one-year anniversary of the passing of our friend and partner, Santa Ana Officer Amadu Kabia #3154.
To Honor Amadu & his family we will be holding a Memorial Fitness Challenge on Saturday, July 16, 2011.
***Amadu’s mother, Wanji Gachukia, & his brother, Ngari Kabia will be here for the Challenge***
Challenge to come together, workout, show support, promote fitness, & remember one of our own in a positive, active way.
The workout of the day (WOD) is individual but teams are welcome to participate head-to-head in the same heat.
Three divisions:
– Rx’d (the workout as designed),
– Non-Rx’d (same workout with modifications)
– Kids (customized on-site to need).
*Note: All competitors will be accommodated.
Instructions: Refer to the FLYER below for event location and time. Then download the PDF Registration file, fill in the blanks, select your preferred division, save the file on your computer, and please e-mail it back to: [email protected]
Donation: Minimum donation of $30 for adult competitors which covers Registration & the Memorial t-shirt. Children under 15 participate for FREE.
(a 501(c)3 non-profit organization)
Additional donations can be made directly on www.lecsf.net
*Registration due by Wednesday, June 22, 2011, donation requested on the date of the Challenge.
*Please advise if you have a preferred time to workout.
*The specific WOD and event itinerary will be provided one week before the event.
*Workout movements will consist of push-ups, burpees, mountain climbers, sit-ups, and a short run (no weights).
*Please direct any questions to: [email protected]
Contact LBPD Officer Leticia Gamboa by email or cell (714) 334-2504